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Apr 21, 20208 min read
the science of mantra.
Sanskrit is one language where form and sound are connected. In English for example, if you say ‘sun’ or ‘son’ in utterance it is the same..
Nov 26, 20193 min read
india: journeys to the self.
Although India is not a place to describe, but a place to "live", to feel, to experience... it it beautiful to read some of these
Nov 21, 20197 min read
proper understanding is key.
the point is very simple. the point is, you must understand that one is not the doer. without proper understanding, whatever one keeps on pr
Nov 15, 20193 min read
listening to mantras - meditation.
so here, in our practice, we simply listen to the chanting of mantras meditatively – by remaining constantly attentive, awake and aware of t
Nov 1, 20192 min read
the science of ancient temples.
Temples were built as public charging sites, where people could charge themselves with an inner energy. People visited temples daily before
Manish Vyas
Oct 19, 20192 min read
connecting with the true essence of india.
India is a land where, for thousands of years, people have kept the search of truth as a priority; and when you meet people like Gurudev, yo
May 21, 20197 min read
what is sanatana dharma?
There is no such thing as Hindu Sanatana Dharma. It is simply Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana means eternal. Something that is eternal is...
Manish Vyas, talk given during a concert in India
Oct 1, 20184 min read
the original name bhārat; the given name india.
The true name of India was, is and will always be Bhārat, because it was the original name and because it reflects its identity.
Manish Vyas
Dec 19, 20173 min read
the fine line in music: recognizing and relating to uplifting music.
In India there are never mantra concerts... this is because mantra was not conceived for enternaining, but for personal spiritual practice.
Manish Vyas
Jul 31, 20175 min read
sanskrit and the use of mantras in musical compositions.
Sanskrit is a powerful scientific language where the sound is connected to a form, to a certain energy. Mantras, being in Sanskrit, use the
Manish Vyas
Apr 25, 20172 min read
my visit to taj mahal.
Taj Mahal, like so many powerful places in India, is a lifetime experience of overwhelming wonder. Such a deep and vast history behind, such
Manish Vyas
Apr 8, 20171 min read
anjali mudra - namaskar.
Namaste is like a sacred greeting, often translated as "I bow to the divinity within you from the divinity within me."
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